Star(r) Spotlight 2: Starr!

Sometimes, it’s the people who have been in my life for the longest who I have the deepest admiration and affection for. Other times, it’s the people I meet and immediately have a profound connection with. Today’s Star(r) Spotlight (yes, pun very much intended) falls into that second category.

I have known Starr for exactly one month, and connected with her in person on only two occasions. The first was a Women with Moxie marketing event, where she wowed me and many others gathered by presenting a intuitive, inspiring picture of who she is and what her life’s work is about. To say she “shone brightly” would be an understatement (not to mention decidedly, ahem, cliché) — but there wasn’t just a shine, it felt more like a sizzle. Starr’s magnetic presence captured my attention, made me curious, made me excited, made me compelled. Frankly, after that first exchange, I retained zero details about what she shared about her career, her entrepreneurial story, whatever else she may have been pitching or selling. But I knew I liked her. I knew I wanted to know more. I knew I wanted to experience more of her energy, to feel the way I did when I was with her.

Today, over a delicious African buffet, I got to know Starr a little better. I don’t meet many people who are good talkers and also good listeners, but Starr’s got that quality. She’s a proud mama who’s homeschooled her kids all the way through their high school years; a spiritual entrepreneur dedicated to helping women stay strong and thrive in both business and personal life. It was immediately apparent to me that Starr is so many things, but at her core, she is a soulful passion machine! Her ability to express enthusiasm and genuine love for the people, things, and experiences in her life is remarkable. She wants to share with the world the things that have helped her learn and heal, become more efficient, love her truth — and with Starr, I feel no hidden agenda, only a genuine desire to give folks the tools to live optimally.

Throughout our time together, I felt blessed by our mutual ability to reflect back to each other our deep gifts, hopes, dreams, and joys. What impressed me even more, however, is that Starr is a woman who will also “really go there:” she reflects to others their shadows and their darkness, in addition to all that bright shiny stuff she emanates.

And this isn’t about idealizing (though let’s be real, Starr is so totally worth all romantic representations of what it means to be a woman in alignment 😜). I am fully aware of the fact that she is a Real Woman: one with likes and dislikes, one whose temper or stubbornness sometimes get the best of her, one whose inner child occasionally presents as a pesky brat who throws a tantrum about not getting her way. Starr being all of those things allows ME to be all those things, too. Allows me to look at the parts of me I adore and the parts of me I’m irritated or troubled by. Starr is safe. Starr is real, and raw, and imperfect, and welcoming of all of me. Her acceptance is extraordinary in its power — and also, for me, in its infectiousness.

Starr, thank you for inspiring me to be the best version of myself. Thank you for doing such deep and transformative work on yourself, because it is through your personal work that you have become a conduit of so much growth and honesty for others. Thank you for being afraid, but going there anyway. Thank you for being so empathic and caring; for seeing both the blessing and the curse that carries with it, and demonstrating setting boundaries to support you and keep you safe. Thank you for reflecting back to me and others our sacredness, our silliness, or sensualness, our sadness. It is truly a gift you have, Starr.

Thanks not only for all the times you shine so bright, but also the times you dig deep in the darkness and muck around in spaces of gunk and funk. The world is a better place because you “go there,” and I am a better woman from bearing witness to your journey. If this is all discernible from two brief exchanges, I can only imagine all the other delight and danger and heartbreak and brilliance and that’s still undiscovered.

Please choose a cause or foundation that I will donate to, on your behalf.

4 thoughts on “Star(r) Spotlight 2: Starr!

  1. You have captured Starr’s magic and translated it into words so beautifully! I expect to see some truly badass women doing some truly amazing things with Starr’s support.

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  2. Wow, Sophie! I am so moved and touched by your words, and blown away by your ability to see me so clearly in just a few hours time. Shows your gifts of presence & perception, and these words you have written about me are like poetry! May everyone have the life experience of being blessed like this. Thanks for being an incredible woman willing to speak your truth and live a big life with no apology. I look forward to continuing the connection that began last week.
    Here is the link to the charity I’d love a donation to go to on my behalf. Thanks again for your generosity, and for being you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome, Starr. It’s a honor to share time with you, even when conjuring your spirit to write these words! 😊 Looking forward to continued connection, and was so honored to make a donation to Sacred Stone Camp. 🙏💙


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